Student Support Services
VISION: Every student will have access to supports, services, and enrichment necessary to ensure that graduates obtain the skills knowledge, and character traits essential to thrive and contribute to society.
MISSION: Supporting students, families, and staff by providing services, resources, and interventions to address the varying and complex needs of each student.
Our Departments
Child Welfare & Attendance

The Child Welfare and Attendance Department supports the instructional programs throughout the District. Delivery of specialized services in the areas of enrollment, transfers, attendance, SARB, school safety, custody of student records, discipline, and student custody orders are the main focus of our department.
Expanded Learning Programs

The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) Plan as required by Education Code (EC) Section 46120(b)(2) will provide expanded program activities that support the whole child, and students’ Social and Emotional Learning and development before/after school and during winter, spring, and summer non-instructional school days for TK-8 students. This plan was approved the Local Educational Agency's (LEA) Governing Board.
Health Services

At all MCS school sites, credentialed school nurses provide: health assessments; vision and hearing screenings; medical, mental health, and social service referrals; information for mental health and community resources; social-emotional counseling and support; TB screenings and skin tests for district programs and school volunteers; health education including oral health review; case management for students with complex medical issues; communication with primary care physicians; and many other services.
Healthy Start Programs

The Modesto City Schools Healthy Start Program provides a variety of school and community outreach services. It is a school-based family resource program that serves all students and families living within the Modesto City Schools attendance areas.
Parent Engagement & Outreach

The Parent Engagement & Outreach (PEO) Department is committed to various support services that provide opportunities for parent engagement, which impacts student academic achievement, health and social emotional wellness, school climate, and other relative areas. We continue to build strong partnerships with local businesses, colleges, and city and county community-based agencies to help meet the needs of the community.
Special Education

Modesto City Schools Special Education Department / Special Education Local Plan (SELPA) ensures that appropriate programs and services are available for all students identified with disabilities under the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004). The Special Education Department supports every student's right to an individualized educational program that is reasonably calculated to provide meaningful educational benefits based on the student's identified and unique needs.
Student Support Services Administration
Mark Herbst
Associate Superintendent, Student Support Services
[email protected]
(209) 492-5113
Araceli Corral
Director I, Student Support Services
[email protected]
(209) 672-9995
Madie Herrera
Director, Parent Engagement & Outreach
[email protected]
(209) 492-3476
David Houck
Senior Director, Child Welfare and Attendance
[email protected]
(209) 574-1595
Tammy Jones
Admin. of Special Projects, SSS, Expanded Learning
[email protected]
(209) 876-0972
Tony Lomeli
Senior Director, Student Support Services McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Liaison
[email protected]
(209) 574-1600
Tom Nipper
Director III, Health Services
[email protected]
(209) 574-1605
Kristen Panou
Senior Director 7-12, SELPA
[email protected]
(209) 492-1789
William Patterson
Equity & Intervention Specialist
[email protected]
(209) 492-6436
Christina Romero, M.A.
Senior Director K-6, SELPA
[email protected]
(209) 492-1789
Isaias Rumayor, Jr., Ed.D.
Director III, Student Support Services
[email protected]
(209) 574-1608