Business Systems

QSS Control Center

QSS Control Center (QCC) is the district’s fully integrated personnel and financial system.  Human Resources, Accounting, Budget, Payroll, Purchasing, Nutrition Services, and Warehouse use QCC for their daily processes. The school sites and other district office departments use QCC to track and view their financial activity throughout the fiscal year. 

If you need a QCC logon, please email [email protected].

Employee Self Service

Employee Self Service (ESS) is a web portal that allows employees to quickly and easily view their own payroll history (check or direct deposit copies), W2s, leave balances, and other personnel information.

To log-in to Employee Self Service, visit the MCS App Portal, then navigate to the Employee Self Service (ESS) app.

For instructions on how to navigate through Employee Self Service, please refer to our ESS user guide.

Employee Self Service logo