Board Policies
Complaints Concerning School Personnel
Every effort should be made to resolve complaints regarding District employees at the earliest possible stage. Any person who complains about a District employee is strongly encouraged to resolve the matter informally through direct communication with the employee whenever possible. The discussion to resolve the matter should be timely.
If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, the complainant may file a formal written complaint. A written complaint shall include the full name of the employee involved, a brief but specific summary of the complaint and the facts surrounding it, and a description of any prior attempt(s) to discuss the complaint with the employee and the failure to resolve the matter.
The principal or other immediate supervisor of the accused employee shall investigate and attempt to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the parties involved within thirty (30) business days. A written notice of the final decision shall be provided to both the complainant and the accused.
If unsatisfied with the decision, either the complainant or the accused may appeal the decision. The appeal will go to the supervisor of the person whom conducted the initial investigation into the formal written complaint. The supervisor reviewing the appeal will attempt to resolve the complaint within thirty (30) days.
If the complainant or the accused remain unsatisfied with the decision of the appeal, they may appeal further to the Governing Board. The request to appeal the decision to the Governing Board must be in writing and include a statement of the reasons why the party is requesting a review. This written request must be in the Superintendent’s office seven (7) working days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education.
After reviewing the decision of the appeal, in Closed Session, the Governing Board shall determine whether a meeting with the Board will be granted.
If no meeting is granted, the Board Secretary shall inform the party, in writing, of the denial and the reasons.
If a meeting is granted, the Board shall give notice to the parties of the date, time, and location of the meeting. Following the meeting, the Board shall render a written decision in Closed Session, including a statement of reasons. The decision of the Board of Education shall be final.