Enrollment Requirements

New enrollees to Modesto City Schools are required to provide the following documentation during the online enrollment process.

  • Address Verification - one of the following must be submitted (see the Residence Verification Form for more info): 

    • Copy of recent utility bill (i.e. PG&E, or City of Modesto)

    • Copy of recent rental agreement

    • Copy of recent purchase agreement or escrow title paperwork stating buyer will live in the home

    (Parent / Guardian name on this address verification must be the same parent/guardian name and address that are written on the registration card.)

  • Adult I.D. verification - The adult registering the student must provide proof of identification, i.e. Driver’s license, or other photo I.D.

  • Immunization Verification - See the guidelines posted by the California Department of Health Services (Board Policy 5141.31, Senate Bill 277)

  • Withdrawal documents/drop papers/unofficial transcripts from the most recent previous school, if the student has been attending another school

  • Guardian/care giver documentation if applicable

  • Current IEP or current 504 plan if applicable

  • Evidence of student’s age (Education Code 48002, Administrative Regulation 5111) 

    • Copy of birth record or a statement by local registrar or a county recorder certifying the date of birth

    • Baptism certificate duly attested

    • Passport

    • When none of the foregoing is obtainable, affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor

Kindergarten Enrollment Requirements

To register a child for kindergarten or transitional kindergarten, parents/guardians should have the following documents available to scan:

  • Proof of child’s date of birth (certified copy of Birth Certificate, Notarized Affidavit of Birth, Baptismal Certificate, Physician’s Certificate/Hospital Certificate, County Recorder’s Certificate, Passport, or Family Bible. Ed Code 48002).

  • Immunizations: The following immunizations are required for all students, grades TK–12, upon registration to school according to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).

    • 2 doses of Varicella (chickenpox)

    • 3 doses of Hepatitis

    • 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) - Only doses given after the first birthday meet the requirement.

    • 4 doses of Polio (3 doses are acceptable if the third dose was given on or after the 4th birthday)

    • 5 doses of DTaP/Tdap/DTP (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis) (4 doses meet the requirement if at least one of the doses was given on or after the 4th birthday; 3 doses meet the requirement if at least one of the doses was given on or after the 7th birthday)

    • For all 7th grade students an additional dose of Td (tetanus-diphtheria) is required. If this dose is included in the above DTaP/Tdap/DTP doses, and given on or after the 7th birthday, the requirement has been met.

      Note: Students who are not up to date with their immunizations or do not have valid CAIR-ME exemptions will not be permitted to attend school. A completed “yellow” immunization card copy or verified printout from the physician is required to validate immunizations.

  • Verification of residence (utility bill, receipts from rent or property tax payments).

  • Copy of child’s most recent health screening (physical exam)

  • Proof of dental exam within the last 12 months.